Caroline’s Cupcakes

I love cupcakes.

No, you don’t understand. I LOVE cupcakes.

I frequently annoy people in my twitter feed with all of my cupcake speak.

I also feel that I must justify that I was into cupcakes wayyyy before they were hip. In fact, one of the first things I remember baking was cupcakes. I forgot cupcake liners so it was an adventure to say the least (I was 6!) but that was my first baking adventure. So me and cupcakes? We go WAY back.

Needless to say when I found out that there was a cupcakery opening close to my house I was elated. I went to Caroline’s Cupcakes pre-opening party. I’ve been there at least once a week since their opening. I go so much the owners know me. Some people have a bar (Cheers anyone?) but I have a cupcakery where everyone knows my name.

Yesterday they posted a new cupcake that they hadn’t served yet and me and fellow cupcake fiend Leah headed over to try it out.

It was literally the best cupcake I’ve ever had. THE BEST.

I was so moved I had to buy more to take home and take pictures of one. Only one of them were pictureable as I may have turned a corner too fast making one fall over… oops.

If you’re looking for a Canton area cupcake, you need to head over to Caroline’s and check them out. They deliver! They do weddings! They are great for breakfast, lunch AND dinner (um yes, I know this from experience).

My personal favorite flavors are Campfire S’mores, Cinnamon Toast, Chocolate Raspberry Truffle and Sweet Caroline.  I’m not a big chocolate fan… so that’s why I lean toward the white/yellow flavors.  I am eagerly anticipating the Pumpkin Patch though, pumpkin is my FAVORITE flavor.

If you don’t believe me that they are good, trust Kitty. She always knows the good food in the area.

Campfire S’mores Cupcake… YUM!


Yummy goodness!


Kitty approves!

* FTC crap: I have no reason to post this save for the fact that I love their cupcakes. They haven’t paid me to say nice things. I have not received free cupcakes (but who would REFUSE them?!). I just wanted to pimp a product I like!

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  • KateApril 19, 2010 - 4:45 PM

    um, best detail shots EVER! That last one is too funny 🙂ReplyCancel