Brides Talk: Bethany

I think my blog about Bethany and Lee’s wedding sums up everything about their wedding. By far it was one of the craziest weddings of the year for me, but it was also the most memorable as it was so full of love that you could feel it everywhere you went. The speeches weren’t about roasting the couple but was about how much they loved being there. There was tears and laughter abound. It was just a beautiful day – perfect in every way save for that pesky weather issue. In a perfect world, they would have had a perfect day but who really wants perfection?? I think that the rainy day and minor disasters made for a more interesting day and memories to be made for a lifetime.

Thank you both for hiring me and letting me be a part of your magical day. I loved EVERY minute of it!

Top Ten Reasons why we would recommend Corey to anyone and everyone:

1. Of all our wedding decisions, hiring Corey was easily one of the best ones we made.

2. Her pictures online are truly representative of her work.

3. All of our pictures were posted online to view within 5 days of the wedding.

4. Corey seemed to appreciate the rain, mud, and power outages as an exciting challenge for her job. She smiled even as she stood outside getting soaked.

5. Without blinking, her husband/ photography assistant volunteered his electrician skills to fix the power outages in our tent in the middle of the reception.

6. Her eye for capturing the slightest mannerisms and idiosyncrasies is incredible.

7. Corey takes the time and effort to post her own personal impressions and enjoyments of each wedding she shoots.

8. Her story of taking a career risk to pursue photography full time is an inspiring example of someone bold enough to follow her true passion.

9. After the wedding she offered her personal time to advise us on the purchase of our new DSLR camera.

10. Months later, we still have friends who, upon seeing her pictures posted on our Facebook pages, ask who our photographer was and how we found her.

It’s kind of hard not to love people that say that kind of stuff about you isn’t it? Here’s her selection of pictures!

bride getting ready at indian bear lodge in ohio

Bethany got ready in her suite bathroom with all of her friends. It was very casual and perfect! 

bride getting dress on at indian bear lodge in ohio

I adored Bethany’s dress, simple, elegant and chiffon (which I ADORE). 

groom drinking scotch at indian bear lodge

The groom got ready in the basement and enjoyed some pre-ceremony scotch with family and friends. 

the groom and his friends at indian bear lodge in Ohio

The groom and some of his friends gathered for some informal pics before the ceremony. 

bride and groom look at each other during outdoor ceremony in the rain at indian bear lodge in Ohio

There really needs nothing said with this…ahhh love! 

family and friends pray during outdoor ceremony in the rain at indian bear lodge in Ohio

Everyone joined hands to pray for the couple during the ceremony – loved this!! 

bride and groom exit outdoor ceremony in the rain at indian bear lodge in ohio

Rain??? What rain?? They just got MARRIED! 

bride and groom embrace on the porch at indian bear lodge in ohio

An embrace after the ceremony that I caught on my way back to the cabin. 

bride and groom on swing at indian bear lodge in ohio

Since it was pouring rain I kept them to the porch and cabin for the pictures. It worked out though since the porch had some great features! 

bride and groom exit a teepee at indian bear lodge in ohio

The rain let up just enough at the end of the evening to run down to the firepit by the pond for some pictures in the area that the bride and groom wanted, including this one. It started pouring again about this time though! 

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  • Kirsten AlanaJanuary 26, 2010 - 7:52 PM

    1) this is *such* a terrific idea for a blog post 2) you captured their wedding SO beautifully Corey. The moments you captured and the compositions are just wonderful!!ReplyCancel