Happy Veterans Day!

? My heartfelt thanks goes out to all of those that are serving or have served to keep America free.

? A special thanks goes out to my family members that have served including both of my Grandfathers and my brother whom are all gone.

? Guess what today also is? My Grandmother Doyle’s birthday! She’s no longer with us but I still smile because the only way I used to remember her birthday as a kid was because it was Veterans Day and we had to make sure her card was in the mail before today b/c mail doesn’t go today!

? Give a soldier a hug or send a box of goodies overseas today. Because you can and because they do what they do. It will make you feel all warm and fuzzy I promise.

? Since a post isn’t a post without some pics, I leave you with two shots of my Grandfather Doyle during WWII.

My grandfather (tall guy carrying the box on the left) carrying the Nordan Sight for the Atomic Bomb to the plane. It may not be the brightest spot in American History but I am proud that my Grandfather was someone that had a part in ending WWII. He trained the bombadeers that would eventually drop the bomb.

My grandfather during WWII at an unnamed base. He looks so young!!!

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  • maryNovember 11, 2009 - 9:29 PM

    I love the pictures! How awesome. Happy Veteran’s Day to your family.ReplyCancel

  • SarahNovember 11, 2009 - 11:32 PM

    What a neat picture! It’s so cool that you have these.ReplyCancel

  • ValNovember 12, 2009 - 2:54 PM

    Wowzers! This is awesome!ReplyCancel