Ice Storm

WOW!  I’m blogging something as it’s actually happening!!!!

I decided to take a break in the retro blogging to blog some images I just took trouncing around in my backyard.  I was up until about 8AM this morning watching the ice roll in.  My Dad was a weather nut and I can’t pass up watching a good storm – be it thunder or ice.  I also did some info getting and picture taking for WEWS and got a few shout outs this morning on the news for that, that was fun!!!  Mark Johnson has deemed me a meteorologist, LOL!  What is even funny is yesterday I said that something will come down from the sky so I should be called one – and now I have been!  Ha!

Today has been a crazy weather day in Ohio.  Cleveland got 9 inches of snow.  Here in North Canton (about 50 miles or so south) we got about 1/2″ of ice and lots of sleet on top of that but only a 15 minute burst of snow.  Last night we were only supposed to get snow and TONIGHT is the “ice event” they are calling for so I can only imagine what is in store for us.  Stay safe and remember that even if you can GO in the snow it doesn’t mean you can STOP.  Ask my neighbor who hit a nearby mailbox this morning!  If you were brave and trekked into work today, make sure you are home by 6:30PM – that is when it’s ramping up again!

ice on branches in north canton ohio


ice on a branch in stark county ohio

This branch is beneath a bunch of higher branches and a pine tree so it didn’t get quite the “icing” that everything else got.


ice from the groundhog day storm on a pine tree in ohio

Ice on the lower limbs of the pine tree I planted in my backyard when I was in 3rd grade.  The upper boughs had MUCH more ice but I don’t have go-go-Gadget legs.


ice on a leaf in northeast ohio

A frozen leaf.  You can see the darker branch has much more ice on it than the other pics – this is a closer representation to the thickness of the ice that’s on everything.


icicles on a GMC envoy grill in ohio

My grill of my car encased in ice.  I have to say my artistic side appreciates the symmetry in the icicles!

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