Personal | 30 Day Photography Challenge |Technology

kindle 3G from amazon

Camera used: iPhone 4S
Program used: Instagram

Day 15: Technology. *sniff*  My beloved Kindle who used to be the leading technology for so long has finally been replaced today by the release of the Kindle Fire today by Amazon.  This is also the first time in over 2 years that I haven’t placed an order for a Kindle for it to be arriving on my doorstep the day it’s released.  I am still flummoxed about it.  I love, love, love my Kindle.  The e-ink display is pretty easy on the eyes.  I read books SO much faster now.  It’s so easy to get a book!  No more ordering and waiting for days to read the next book in the series!  Just BAM!  Delivered!  I love it.  However I am not quite sure I’m ready to move on from the e ink.  Then again, the Kindle Fire is really, really, nifty.  I like the idea of being able to use it like an iPad while reading a book.  No more bouncing between iPhone and Kindle to check this or that while reading.  Then again, I can “turn off” the world and submerge myself into book land.  See?  Totally at odds with it.

Another side of the technology coin here with this image… I’m in love with e books.  I didn’t think I would be.  I am a hard core reader.  I thought that I would miss the whole opening a book thing.  But the truth is, holding a book is kind of awkward now that I’m used to my Kindle.  It’s easy as pie to read this in the bath – slam it in a ziplock and ta-da!  Waterproof.  Not so easy with a real book.  I can’t even TELL you how many books I’ve destroyed when I have dropped them in the bath.  I resisted e books at first.  I really thought they were silly and they would die off.  But then I saw a few out “in the wild” and I had a bag be overweight when traveling b/c of how many books I packed and I got to thinking… maybe it is a good thing.

Are you a reader?  Are you on Goodreads?  Be my friend if you are!

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  • Positively PresentNovember 16, 2011 - 7:04 AM

    Love this! I totally understand where you’re coming from. When I first got my Kindle, I loved it and read frequently on it. Then I got the iPad/iPhone and loved that I could read books on the go (though the Kindle was so much easier on the eyes). And now I find myself back to regular books again… I think I just love reading any way I can get it! I’m going to friend you on GoodReads now. 🙂ReplyCancel