Hawaii Day Four: Kona Storm

On the final day of the Mike Colon Workshop we didn’t do any shooting, just some learning and the end of the day was tied in a bow with a party! We originally were going to do some shots of each other but a massive Kona Storm rolled in and it was a downpour all day so we didn’t get to do that. At the end of the night I played my first poker game and did fairly well considering I had NO clue what I was doing. I think Mike was probably going batty playing with all us beginners but in the end Carla, whom had also never played before, won!!!! Scarlett also put up a pretty good fight, amazing us all by being down to her last chip and then winning it all! She made third place which was pretty darn impressive especially after all her near losses!

I have to mention here two things. First is that the personal chef, Phil, was amazing!!! Although there was some stuff I don’t eat (being from Ohio you don’t really get GOOD seafood here so after a couple bad experiences as a kid I swore it off) it all LOOKED incredible and what I would eat was awesome. My favorite was his amazing salads. He made a dressing that was to die for and the recipe is simple!!! It was Italian dressing, feta cheese and roasted garlic thrown into a blender and mixed. SO GOOD!!! He fed us so well all week and ended the week with a phenominal spread for the party. Second is David Hessemer, whom came and spoke to us about his project, Through Their Eyes, which is essentially about introducing photography to people that have never worked with or seen a camera before and showing them the power of being able to document their lives for future generations to look back on. He came and spoke to us about his project and showed some amazing images that the children took. He also stayed with us for the party and I got to speak with him a lot more. A wonderful person whom has had some amazing adventures!

Due to the storm, I didn’t get many pics this day but I did take a couple videos at the hotel so I’ll share those along with the pics I did take.


Sunrise view from our amazing balcony at the Hyatt Regency Resort on Maui. Have I gone on about how much I LOVED this resort? It was amazing. 

View of the ocean as the storm came rolling in from our balcony. Again, the views were just astounding!



The storm rolling in, seen from our room.




The chandelier in the Hyatt – about 100 or so feet from the courtyard – showing how strong the winds are!


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  • Mark W.January 26, 2009 - 9:42 PM

    Corey – Loved your whole Hawaii series. You got some really great shots. I also loved the “documentary” style shots of the other photogs. I checked out some of their sites and didn’t see much of the same. I was hoping to see a few good shots of you in action. Great work!ReplyCancel